A New Day, a New Resource

Sitting in a meeting discussing a project which is part of a MN E2T2 (Enhancing Education Through Technology) Grant, I learned about a resource which was new to me: the MN Video Vault, a free collection of video resources published by TPT, Twin Cities Public Television, our local PBS station.

Resources in the MN Video Vault are “searchable” by program title, interest areas (people, places, history, MN issues, arts/entertainment and special collections) or in the “educators” section, by subject (Language Arts, Science and Social Studies) and standard.

While much of  MN Video Vault‘s content has a Minnesota focus, the resources could easily act a springboard for discussions of local issues, research and personal histories.

Beyond the MN Video Vault, PBS does a great job with a free “on demand” viewing resource bank with full-length shows including “The NewsHour,” “NOVA,”  “Great Performances,” “Frontline,” “The American Experience” and more. Additionally, when viewing the site for a show, (e.g. the CCC video in “The American Experience) there are additional resources which would be great for educators even if not using the video including interactive maps, time lines, photo galleries, and more.

Great resources for many grade levels and disciplines.

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